Prior to thinking about attempting to become a model you should have at least some idea of what modeling is, and what will be expected of you should you be successful. Modeling is a tough job that requires a lot of hard work, commitment and a thick skin, so think about why you want to become a model, and if you have what it takes to be successful. First aspect you must keep in mind is keep things simple, the only information a model agency needs to know about you is your age, your height and stats, how to contact you, any relevant experience you may have and of course what you look like. They don't need to know about your GCSE results, hobbies, or what part you played in your primary school nativity.
Another important aspect is that you must include your proper contact information. This may sound very obvious, but make sure you provide the agency with contact details they will be able to contact you on, or leave a message that you will actually receive. There's no point giving out a mobile number to a phone that stays switched off for most of the day, or an e-mail address you check once a fortnight. If an agency can't get through to you, they'll just stop trying.
Make sure to send an SAE if you want your photos back. Thumb rule is, don't send any photos to an agency if you aren't prepared to risk losing them. If you do send photos you want returned then make sure you also include a self addressed envelope with sufficient postage for the agency to post back your photographs.
Always remember to send clear photos when sending photos into an agency. They need to be clear enough so that they can actually see what you look like. Be genuine and original while applying to an agency, the best thing you can do is be yourself.
Another important aspect is to research your agency before you approach the agency find a little bit more about them. Visit their website or phone them and find out how they prefer models to apply. Some agencies see applicants off the street; some require you to send in photos first. Always be ready to travel before approaching an agency, make sure that you are prepared to travel. It’s a well known fact that first impression is the last impression. Your application is the first thing that an agency will ever see about you. If you put no effort into your application, the first impression the agency will get is that you are lazy and not worth taking on. Last but not the least don't harass a modeling agency, they receive hundreds of applications a week, and only very few of the applicants are suitable.
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